Michael Mundy: Photographs Calatrava

Much of the last few years has been focused on capturing an inside view of exceptional artists, designers, and architects. These are individuals that Michael relates to and enjoys shooting the most. They don’t have to be famous for him to find them intriguing.

The images below show the comfort and confidence, as well as the personal aesthetics of Santiago Calatrava, one of the most celebrated architects of our time. These were taken during the planning stages of Calatrava’s masterwork, the new Transit Hub at the World Trade Center in Lower Manhattan. Ironically, fast forward a few years and Michael would be commissioned by the Durst Organization to photograph, in-depth, One World Trade Center, its unique art installation and the building’s surroundings, which includes Calatrava’s architectural wonder.

Michael travels to all corners of the country photographing interior designers and architects in their spaces, as well as their clients’ residential, hospitality and architectural projects created. He is a consistent collaborator with top interior design magazines and they often publish projects he shares with them, as well.

Michael and worked with Architectural Digest, NYC&G, Elle Decor, House & Garden, Galerie Magazine, Town&Country, Travel and Leisure, Whitewall, Wallpaper, DVEight, New York Times Magazine, W Magazine, and more.


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