LEON LÖWENTRAUT: Explosive Painting

Please join us for the opening of
Leon Löwentraut: Explosive Painting May 3rd, 6-8pm RSVP to iturgeon@edelmanarts.com

New York, NY – Edelman Arts is pleased to present Leon Löwentraut, one of the most sought-after young talents on the international art scene, with an exhibition of 15 large scale paintings. The exhibition will be on view at our salon space at 111 East 70th Street, New York City from May 3 to June 15, 2018.

Dubbed the “Wunderkind” of the art world by the press, the Düsseldorf-based artist has just turned 20 and is exhibiting his second show in New York.

Faithful to the colorful, expressive style that built his reputation, Löwentraut’s newest works are large-format portraits that mark him as an heir to both Basquiat and Picasso yet, with a shocking force of vitality and freshness, are still uniquely Löwentraut. His bold use of color, line, and texture combine to create paintings that viscerally engage the viewer.

Strongly influenced by Basquiat, his works are also both abstract and representational, blending form and symbol as the figures emerge from the heavy layers of paint to become almost three-dimensional. Löwentraut creates images imbued with both primal and sacred qualities, the weightiness of the paint and the central focus of the compositions elevating them to the status of icons. The figures stare out at the viewer through a maze of crossing colors in scenes so full of motion that the stretches of stillness, rendered through the simplified, distinct lines of an eye, an ear, or a crown, take on an evocative visual significance.

Löwentraut has exhibited his works in galleries and museums across the globe, including Galerie Loeffel (Basel), Bruno Gallery (Singapore), Galerie Michael Poliza (Hamburg), The Muse (London), Avant Garde LES (New York), Geuer & Geuer (Dusseldorf), and the Osthaus Museum (Hagen).

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info@edelmanarts.com t +1212 472 7770


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