Happy Valentines Day!

Happy Valentine’s Day! We’re celebrating Love—Self Love. For if you cannot love yourself, how can you love anyone else! Self-love encourages our physical, psychological, and spiritual growth and fulfillment. We asked around our office to find out what self love means to a few members of our team…

Michelle Edelman

This is my favorite day of the year! Everybody needs love. And, there is never too much love. Bring it on!
I think it’s so important to share love everday! A warm smile. A compliment. An acknowledgement of something well done. And, Self-Love—yesssss indeed!

The pressure we live in feels unbearable sometimes— between personal struggles, our countries politics, misunderstandings, work pressure, traffic jams and subway delays, and the usual madness we are submerged with daily. We have to stop festering on the negative all the time. It only feeds on itself and expands the negativity. Love is the only answer! And, we need to love ourselves! Meditate, clear our electric heads, do YOGA , Pilates, build some muscle, feel beautiful- regenerate.  I’m opting out of Tequila (today) and choosing a green apple ginger juice! My favorite music these days is OMMMMM…..

Shereka Evans
Self love to me means self-preservation. I need to be my whole self before I can give away parts of me to others. One of my favorite quotes is by the poet Warsan Shire:

My alone feels so good,
I’ll only have you,
If you’re sweeter
than my solitude …

It is important for me to nurture confidence and joy within myself without always depending on others. Coming from a very big family I learned early that I needed to carve out time for me. Over the years I’ve become more and more comfortable with spending time alone. I have a list of things I love to do on my own, these things big or small, energize me and light me up from the inside out. 

Here are some of the things I love to do alone—

  • Write in my journal

  • Go to a matinee

  • Cook a luxurious dinner (candlelight, jazz music, and wine included)

  • Walk around the city and discover hidden treasures

  • Read, Read, Read …I like to find a nook and get fully absorbed in a great book.

  • Go to a spa and sitting in the steam room or sauna. Just breathe.

  • Wake up very early on a Saturday morning and listen to the quiet. It’s essential to just be still sometimes. I lay there alone. No tv, no phone, nothing but the sound of silence amidst the occasional chirping from the birds and watching the sun rays slowly rise as my bedroom walls.

If any of that doesn’t work … there’s always Gin and Tonic. #ginmakesyousin 

Jacob Allen Berry

It is so important to love yourself. Especially now, Take the time to practice self-care and do all things you need and want to do for yourself! Growing up My mom would always tell me that I am responsible for my own happiness — and I have taken this to heart, especially as of late!

My favorite escape—Music! and and the occasional reality television show. (No judging!) This Valentine’s day I plan to wipe the dust off my record player and spin Solange’s A Seat At Table and some Beach House all day and sit back and catch up on all of my favorite shows on Bravo.

I’ve recently started gardening indoors.
I love shopping for design magazines and art books
I love catching up with my mom – She has recently moved out of the country, I would call her every day if I could!
And, I love listening to a podcast – This American Life and This Week Had Me Like are great ones!

Happy Valentine’s Day!


Cooking up A Storm with Lucile Prache


New Beauty New Year.