Tea Time, Me Time

There is no better recipe for happiness than food, friends and art.

Time is scarce these days, and once you have it, it's hard to know how to spend it. Too much of our precious time ends up getting lost in our routines and our screens. This summer, at Traffic we are making it an intention to spend more of our time on what truly matters; Self Care. Starting with conversation we challenge you to find space in your routines to find some tea time. Whether that is with friends, family, coworkers or even yourself. 

The idea for this was inspired by one of our represented artists, Michael Mundy. Mundy creates an environment in his work that is polished and intimate, with a sophisticated sensibility; a space that nurtures conversation. Beyond this, Mundy's subject matter often is comprised of hotels and hospitality, which are ignorable social. For his own tea time, Michael prefers Lapsang Souchon, which we agree is very delicious. 

If your not a tea person, don't worry because we have other self care suggestions as well. If you have a sweet tooth, you might prefer a summer stroll through the city with a fresh cone of ice cream. A day in the city is often a conversation itself. Our recommendations, Sedutto when uptown and Morgenstern's downtown.

We also find that living in the city, we often forget how strong the restorative power of nature is. Even if your city apartment didn't come equipped with a sprawling country garden, you can still find room for a little green in your life.  Our rooftop garden has become a staple here at the Traffic office. Michelle has so carefully selected beautiful plants and spaces that have turned the space into the perfect sanctuary for our own lunch breaks.  **WRITE MORE ON GARDEN HERE*

Manhattan-based artist Martynka Wawryzniak managed to plant an entire herb garden on her fire-escape, adding color to her space and flavor to her food. Hitchcock-style stairwell shot courtesy of Michael Mundy, for his long term project, An Afternoon With.

As this post reaches you in your busy day, consider it a reminder to take time for yourself. Slow down and do something that fufils you today. 




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