Summer State of Mind

Summer is more than just a change is seasons, it is a state of mind. The transitions in the natural world allow us permission to celebrate the world we live in. One of the ways we do these is the timeless tradition of visiting the beach. It is a place that is sacred to all of us, each for our own reasons and our own memories. 

No matter what the memory is, it is incredible how music has the ability to transport us to that specific memory. At Traffic, we feel as if some music was just made for the beach; thats why we curated a Spotify playlist for you to enter your Summer state of mind. If you don't end up at the beach this season, this music will bring the sea to you. 

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Arguably, I am always in a summer state of mine. Even spending my Summer here on the Upper West Side, the beach is part of my identity, having grown up in Long Beach Island, New Jersey. What I've learned as a beach goer are the finer details that make each beach unique. The first photo (below), Is from a cloudy day in Malibu where I learned not only how counterbalance all of the noise of nearby LA, but how to enjoy the peace of the beach without sunshine. The next picture on the right was taken at Venice Beach, where I learned about how native communities celebrate the environment. The photo on the lower left and right shows as island of the coast of Fajardo, Puerto Rico where I got to see where the Caribbean and Atlantic oceans met.   

The beach has the powerful duality to be both our quiet place of reflection and the attraction of our celebrations. While we might not be to physically make it to the beach every day, we can make every day a beach day when we carry this philosophy with us.

- @kieranlyons


Thirty Questions with Michelle Edelman

