Thirty Questions with Michelle Edelman

1.     Favorite Holiday Memory?

"Vietnamese Christmas in France. My family did that 12 years in a row!" 

2.     Favorite item in your wardrobe?

"my sheer undergarments I got while in Greece"

3.     Guilty Pleasure?


4.     Last notification on your phone (if you can share)?

"Shares on Pinterest"

5.     One thing you wish you could get rid of?


6.     3 Items on your grocery list?

"Cucumbers blueberries and olive oil... oh and avocados!"

7.     Best Criticism or Advice you recieved?

"I have two. The first from my mother to follow my dreams. The second from my old boss, 'hurry up'."

8.     Favorite place you have ever lived?

"New York"

9.     Most Overrated NY Neighborhood?

"Time Square, but I guess that’s not really a neighborhood."

10. Underrated?

"Upper East Side."

11. A hobby we might not know about


12. Describe your last year in one word?


13. All-time favorite album – What does it remind you of?

"Can I pick a song? Rocket Man by David Bowie. It reminds me of my teens.” 

14. Biggest waste of time?


15. Favorite Summer memory?

"I love NYC in the summer!"


16. An artist you wish you could have a conversation?

"How about an artist I would like to have an argument with - Picasso! I’d like a conversation with, Stefan Sagmeister."

17. Favorite Instagram account you follow?

"Shereka's!" (@xaymacabird

18. What is talent you wish you had?


19. What historical figure do you identify with most?

"Joan of Arc"

20. Do you have a motto or a quote?

"I have many... 'live everyday like its your last'."

21. Morning or Night rituals or routines?


22. If you had a sudden career change what would you do?

"Landscape design and gardening."

23. What was the last thing you watched on Netflix?

"Madame Secretary."

24. Favorite stamp on your passport?

"How about one I haven’t gotten yet! Bhutan, India, and Japan." 

25. Worst habit?

"I guess smoking, although I rarely do that anymore."

26. Three ideal dinner party guests?

"Robert Hughs, Glenn O’Brian and my husband"

27. Scariest moment of your life?

"Surfing in Bali."

28. Last splurge Purchase?


29. Favorite Plant?


30. How do you spend your weekend?

"Chelsea Galleries and any art museum, cooking, and gardening."



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